Friday, 24 February 2012


The Horned God impregnates the Goddess and then dies during the autumn and winter months and is then reborn by the Goddess in spring.

The relationships between the Goddess and the Horned God are mirrored by Wiccans in seasonal rituals.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Define Necessity

Health Activism is the need of time today…Step forward and be the change…

Stop and Think for a minute. Have you done something that can change this picture? Do you want to do something to change this? 

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Reality of poor in India

They call it fate...and don't even hope for things to change...These are also Indian citizens...That's the worst form of division of wealth...What will you do to change it?

The Deity

You want a revolution?? I am the one who’ll make you witness. I say, will you follow me till there?? Can you handle me?? You crave and I crave like you. If I am not left to guide you, will you survive on the spares which I’ll leave as seeds in your holy brains???? Can you even digest this shit?? See me. I Can't...

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Do we understand our responsibilties.3gp

always blaming the government is not going to help...its common sense...listen to what this helper in a small hospital says n most never realize as they have cash in their pockets..

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Belief of the Day

Wisdom thoroughly learned will never be forgotten
