Monday, 12 November 2012

THE HORNED GOD CHRONICLES: Skull Bearer launched in USA

The 1st book of the series 'THE HORNED GOD CHRONICLES', which is subtitled 'Skull Bearer' has been launched in India and is available for sale on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel and many other sites.

The MRP in USA is $9.95 but do check for offers as many sites are offering discounts and extra benefits like free shipping.

I also apologize to all Indian readers due to the delay caused as the publisher won't be marketing it in India, so it is upto me to arrange and manage the distribution and sale in India. I am trying my best to get the best people for the job and I won't keep you waiting for too long.
I am trying everything possible to get it in the market by 18th.

Hope you guys like it. Do leave your reviews.
If you don't like it due to any particular reason, please go ahead and post the negative review. It will help me grow as an Author. Be truthful, unafraid and unmerciful as that is what I like the most.


Sunday, 30 September 2012

RUDRA: a storm god and embodiment of wildness and unpredictable danger.


Rudra (Devanagari: रुद्र) is a Rigvedic God, associated with wind or storm, and the hunt.

The name has been translated as "The Roarer", or "The Howler"
The theonym Shiva originates as an epithet of Rudra, the adjective shiva "kind" being used euphemistically of the god who in the Rigveda also carries the epithet ghora "terrible". Usage of the epithet came to exceed the original theonym and by the post-Vedic period (in the Sanskrit Epics), and the name Rudra has been taken as a synonym for the god Shiva and the two names are used interchangeably.

Ancient scripts in sanskrit from Shiva Puran describe his meditational forms. "I worship Him, who is the embodiment of Pure Consciousness, in whom doubts are dried and actions cease, who is beyond all change, time and destruction, who is full, pure, mute and eternal, who is Satchidananda (Existence-Absolute, Knowledge-Absolute and Bliss-Absolute), who is the incommunicable place personified, who is all-effulgence and effulgence embodied, who is the beneficent One, the radiant vision of Infinite Beauty and Beatitude. O my Lord! Victory on Thee. Thou art the incarnation of Rudra, Raudra and Bhadra. Thou art that Mahabhairava, Kalabhairava. Thy garlands are the necklaces of skulls and Thou holdest the divine weapons Khatvanga, sword, skin (Charma), noose, hook, drum, trident, bow, arrow, club, Sakti (a weapon) and the like in Thy hands. O thousand-faced God! Thou art fearful to look at with Thy terrible teeth and Thy pealing laughter pierces through all the worlds. Serpents are Thy ear-rings, Thy garlands and bracelets. Thou wearest elephant-skin on Thy body. Thou art the conqueror of death, the destroyer of the three cities, O three-eyed God!"

Monday, 6 August 2012

Bohemia: More than just forties and shorties

KARACHI:  Born in Karachi, schooled in Peshawar and based in California, Pakistani-American musician Bohemia is the only globally recognised Punjabi rapper. The musician, who raps to poetry, gained global fame with his debut album Vich Pardesan De, which took the international rap scene by storm. The mastermind behind the catchy “Kaali De Naali” and “Ek Tera Pyar” was recently in Karachi and during his trip shared his opinion about desi rap music.
Bohemia, who started writing poetry at very young age, believes the setbacks he faced earlier in life have made him the star he is today. The rapper, whose family shifted to the US when he was 13, recalls his struggle adjusting to a new place where he didn’t even know the local language. “As fate would have it, my mother passed away soon after we moved and I left home after this. I was living on the streets and playing with some musicians when a close friend was murdered. Another went to jail,” the musician recalls.
When asked how one moves from poetry to rapping, the artist replies, “I believe it’s the same thing. When I moved to America, I felt I couldn’t connect with other desi children. The poetry I was writing was heavily inspired by famous Pakistani poets and I slowly began to recognise that I could connect the most with rap artists. Their music had the same message that I was trying to convey.”

Leading the way
Being a trendsetter in his own genre, Bohemia has a vast array of followers but none of them have managed to impress him substantially. “I’ve seen rappers from all over the world — as well as from India and Pakistan — but no one has thus far impressed me from the subcontinent,” says Bohemia.
“All the aspiring rappers around the world — desis in particular — need to realise that just listening to rap music and singing along the lyrics, while may be good training, will not turn them into artists,” he says, adding that being a rapper is more than just donning the outfit and wearing thick chains. Instead, Bohemia is of the opinion that rapping is not only a matter of saying some random lyrics; it is actually the expression of one’s own evolution. “Since you’re giving words to your own life, you better know yourself well.”
However, his disappointment with desi rappers doesn’t make him pessimistic about the future of rap in Pakistan. “Pakistan is an unpredictable country; you can expect anything out of it,” says Bohemia. “Pop was never a ‘desi’ thing but they made it their own with icons like Sajjad Ali, Awaz, Vital Signs and many others, who first understood the music and then composed their own songs. Pakistani pop is only called this because it is sung by Pakistanis, however, it is recognisable all over the world as part of the pop genre — this same concept should be applied to every sort of music. I’m sure about one thing — if proper rap music ever comes from Pakistan, it will be a customised version and people will love it.”
Bohemia’s own poetry serves as a constant reminder of where he comes from. When asked whose poetry has inspired him the most, the Pakistani-American rapper replies, “People like Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Mirza Ghalib are our icons and most of my poetry is inspired by them. For instance, in one of my songs, I talk about ‘going beyond the stars’, the idea of which is essentially taken from Allama Iqbal’s ‘Sitaron Se Aagay Jahan Aur Bhi Hain’.”  He adds, “But it is only those listeners who have read the work of these great men will be able to make the link and find other influences in my work.”

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Asura- Tale of The Vanquished by Anand Neelakantan

Asura- Tale of The VanquishedAsura- Tale of The Vanquished by Anand Neelakantan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An amazing stories that shows Anand Neelakantan's genius. Its not just about the book but the way he looked at History, Religion, Mythology and then uses his own mind to write an awesome piece of Fiction.

The thing I admire about the author is that in this country infested by religions, he thinks rationally and pours out his heart which breaths life into his Novel.

This novel by Anand makes more sense to me than Ramayana.

View all my reviews

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Female Infanticide

Sex selective abortions are still being practiced widely. I feel ashamed to say that Punjab is one of the top most states where female infanticide is a common practice. The pic will make it clear how widely and openly it is being practiced...

A documentary on the issue of Female infanticide was directed by Mr. Rajiv Sharma, titled 'WHY ARE WE KILLING OUR DAUGHTERS?' which has evidence of cases in past, current cases that need to be worked on as well as a few of those girls who were saved as a family member took the stand against the killing and thus didn't let the crime happen and those girls r doing wonders today.
If anyone wants it, just drop a mail at with subject line as 'request for Documentary' and Postal address in content line. The DVD will be sent free of charge. If anyone can or wants to get public screening of it, we will provide full support with that as well....

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Please spare 10 seconds for the man known as the SPIRIT OF UNITED INDIA

Padma Shri for Dr. Surjit Patar

Padma Shri for Dr. Surjit Patar
At last...Padma Shri Awards 2012 di shaan kai guna vadha ditta Dr. Surjit Patar ji ne....
Bahut dina baad Punjab de baare koi changi khabar mili hai...
Punjab de itihas da ik sunehri panna likheya geya hai ajj....

Friday, 6 April 2012

PARTITION: The Day India Burned

The Sword of Truth is a Folk-cum-Rock band which has been created to spread the message of peace and unity.

Demo release of the title song: The Pain of 1947

Album: PARTITION: The Day India Burned
Artists: Shining Sword of Truth

Rudra Kapalin and ViRk ByTes

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Do you believe?

To achieve any goal the first thing that one has to do is believe in himself. Most of our lives, we just play safe as we think that its the best way to avoid the problems that we might face. But we never understand that failures and frustrations are just a part of the growth process.

From the time when we are very small the world starts teaching us what is easy and what is difficult to achieve and it doesn't take long before we start believing what we are told. Many times we are told "you won't be able to do it" or "this has never been done before". But if life was to be lived like this then nobody could have ever climbed great summits like Mount Everest. We also have to climb many summits in the process and for that we need to believe that it is possible. Most of the time we play our own enemies by having negative thoughts, comfort zones, self defeating habits, blame lists etc. The moment you realize and decide that you are the single most determining factor as to whether or not you succeed or fail, only then will your life have a chance to improve.

Carl Joseph was born with one leg. Not using crutches or artificial legs, he decided to play football in high school. He worked so hard that eventually he was the All-State defensive lineman. The local newspapers said, "He ran so smoothly and so effortlessly that when you watch him run you could hardly tell he was missing a leg. Especially when he was chasing down quarterback from behind". In basketball he could dunk the ball, and in track he could jump five feet ten inches-all with one leg. In fact, even with his disadvantage, he went on to recieve a four-year athletic training scolarship from University of Pittsburgh. He said, "It is all in the mind. My mind always told me that i could do things, and i just went and did them. I never worried that i couldn't do something, I just did it. You just keep trying, and you will always get there."

Although inspired by greatness, we sometimes doubt our own potentials. We aren't confident and think,"I don't have special talents." "I don't have what they have." "I could never do that". Extraordinary people are simple ordinary people that do extra ordinary things. Many of them don't have the education, talent, resources or special advantages.

Thomas Edison, who has a great number of discoveries to his credit, only had three months of formal education.

Einstein didn't speak until he was four years old. His teacher described him as "mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift forever in foolish dreams"

However, they had belief in themselves and that is the first thing that is required for any possible growth. Once and for all, start believing in yourself. And don't listen to anyone who tells you anything negative. There are many people who don't want to take the trip themselves, yet pose as experts who criticize the travel of others. They are toxic for you.

Once you start believing in yourself there is no hurdle too high for you to clear, no goal too hard to achieve and no crisis too hot for you to cool down.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Stop the Texts. Stop the wrecks

Stop the Texts. Stop the wrecks is a mission to help us understand the hazards of using SMS while driving or doing anything else that needs attention.

Get the facts & discover tips on how to avoid texting while driving.

Fact #1:
Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field. (2009, VTTI)
Fact # 2:
A texting driver is 23 times more likely to get into an accident than a non-texting driver. (2009, VTTI)
Fact # 3:
 Of those killed in distracted-driving-related crashed, 995 involved reports of a cell phone as a distraction (18% of fatalities in distraction-related crashes). (NHTSA)

Tips to stop:
-Out of sight, out of mind.
-Silence is golden.
-Find your app.
-Designate a texter.

Friday, 24 February 2012


The Horned God impregnates the Goddess and then dies during the autumn and winter months and is then reborn by the Goddess in spring.

The relationships between the Goddess and the Horned God are mirrored by Wiccans in seasonal rituals.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Define Necessity

Health Activism is the need of time today…Step forward and be the change…

Stop and Think for a minute. Have you done something that can change this picture? Do you want to do something to change this? 

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Reality of poor in India

They call it fate...and don't even hope for things to change...These are also Indian citizens...That's the worst form of division of wealth...What will you do to change it?

The Deity

You want a revolution?? I am the one who’ll make you witness. I say, will you follow me till there?? Can you handle me?? You crave and I crave like you. If I am not left to guide you, will you survive on the spares which I’ll leave as seeds in your holy brains???? Can you even digest this shit?? See me. I Can't...

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Do we understand our responsibilties.3gp

always blaming the government is not going to help...its common sense...listen to what this helper in a small hospital says n most never realize as they have cash in their pockets..

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Belief of the Day

Wisdom thoroughly learned will never be forgotten


Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Feeling the numbness reaching the third eye,
feeling the touch of the next level of the high,
HIGHER i go with every word read,
but the mortal cast i bear bending its head,
i strive to go far ahead,
Alas!!! I have to carry the physique too dead...
Feeling no fear of the task ahead,
i try to derive the power from the dead.
They say he reminds of the christ on the cross,
Only man who was ready to bear every material loss...
They say, he was a Utopian dreamer,
Do dreams still fly from the land of those deceased???
Do the many coloured crow still flies low???
CHE, they call him, as we know...
Yes, dreams still flow when the soul calls Soul...
they make us ready and again i boil,
feeling possessed by the soul of the Star,
Still feeling if he was ever really dead...
the third eye opens and now i can see,
the path so clear to push the mortal ahead...
Is it we who make him live
or he who gives us life???
I don't have the time to answer,
the possession to strong...
Feeling no danger i move ahead,
with my head too high...
And now i get to know why he is always looking towards the skies...
Here i come to embrace the next stage,
Here i am to lead the war i wage...

Thursday, 19 January 2012

What is Reality???

What am i doing here??
What's this all about??
Why are we so proud of being called humans, and why do we claim our rationality at a time when we're more animals than most of the species...

When we talk of reality we have formed a habit to think that whatever can be percieved by our five sense is real. Most of the time we take concensus as a proof of what is real. but the material is not the only mode of thought. What is an idea? You have the idea of the home you live in when you are a thousand miles from it, even an image "in your mind." Is that material, i.e. physical. Can anyone prove you have that idea in your mind? Nobody else than you can know what thought you have in your mind at this very second. According to concensus there is no thought in your mind but is it the truth?? Also we know ideas "float around" everywhere all the time, and have great influence on us (called "memes"). Experience itself is not physical, although has physical causes (brain). Everything effects you.

We have a habit of trying to fit everything we see in the 3 Dimensions which we understand. We know about the fourth dimension but we never care much as we have taken it for granted that we won't be able to change it to have any particular effect.

But what are dimensions??

Talking in a very crude language a dimension is something according to which the changes in a system are studied. We study how much does one dimension change with respect to some other dimension. For example when we study motion of a car, we study how much distance it travels in some particular time. So dimensions are somethings according to which a system is studied but what we forget many times is that it is to simplify the study that we consider these dimensions. We decided that we'll study the car with time and distance as dimensions. That doesn't mean that there can't be any other dimensions. We could've selected anything. We could've selected the amount of the reduction of fuel as a dimension or the anytjing else. So it should be clear that the dimensions have nothing to do with what is actually happening. It is just a few variables that are chosen to make a simple study of a system.

But when we talk of the real world, we start thinking that there are only 3 Dimensions(Sometimes we consider 4th, if it answers some contradictions). But can't there be any other dimensions. There can be infinite of them. It depends on the person who is studying the system that how much deeply he wants to study the system. To study what is really happeming, he'll have to consider every dimension. Some of the dimensions can be the thought processes that are running through his mind. All depends on him, how he studies it. While trying to fit anything into the dimesions that we understand, we forget that the dimensions that you see is only the map of reality and the real thing is far much bigger(or may be far smaller). Whatever we percieve with our five senses is just a map of the reality and we start considering it as reality. We start saying to many things-- How is this possible?? These questions only arise when you try to fit things into 3 or 4 Dimensions.

I watched something on discovery that really impressed me. I don't remember the name of the program but do remember the concept he was trying to explain.

  • Take a piece of paper and a pin. Consider this piece of paper as a 2 D world. Just imagine that there are people living on the paper who just understand the two dimensions and know nothing about the 3rd dimension. Now hold the pin on the top of the paper. Till the pin is a little far from the paper, the paper people know nothing about it as they can't understand the 3rd dimension. We know that the pin exists. Prick the paper with the pin. What has happened?? As the pin pricks the paper, it enters the paper people's world. Won't they see something appearing through thin air?? When you take out the pin, the paper people will think that the pin just dissappeared in thin air. For you nothing really happened but for the paper people it might have been a rendezvous with what they might consider god.

Similarly we just think that the reality has to fit in the three dimensions that we can understand with our five senses and start considering anything that we don't understand as not real.
What we forget here is that it is not the dimensions that are controlling the system but the system that effects the dimensions. And while talking of reality we try mixing many sytems just to make them fit in the dimensions that we undertstand.

Proof follows scientific methodology. Spiritual "insight" is not subject to proof...

The only knower of reality is the subject - what can be more real than this?

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These my own thoughts combined with the thoughts and writings of many great persons in this world which have helped me form my thoughts. My aim in posting this is to make an effort of starting a discussion that helps in the growth of my mind.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Martyrdom of Two teenage heroes

Click below to read complete news:

My View

The front page of last Saturday’s Times of India, with the header of colourful kites flying near, what seemed to be Sabarmati’s view from somewhere near Gandhi Ashram, seemed to be greetings of Uttrayan, make the kites of my thought fly way out of reach.
On one hand I could see the controversial decision of Indian Govt.’s agreement to prosecute Google, Facebook, Yahoo and 18 other, and on the other hand the low morale of Dhoni’s men, knows as world champions, going through their worst in test matches since 1968. Such will be written about the issue of prosecuting websites and even more about the World Cricket Champions.
Till this time the kite of my mind was in my control and was flying high without much effort from my side. Modi-Jaya meet seemed just another step in the politics’ new found tradition of treating friends and foes with equal fervour. Air India pilots were on strike but Uttrayan kites seemed to make up for it.
But then the thread which had held my thoughts just slipped from my hand just like a puja thali falling from the hands of a religious person due to sudden shock.
The news of the incident near Shahibaug was like an explosion that made me let go the thread. I no longer wanted to hold my thoughts in control. I read it once. I read it twice. I read it thrice. The feeling that went through me was like everything was falling apart.
The act of volunteering to save a bird had taken lives of two young and, not to mention, BRAVE teenagers. Akash Rajput & Sambhu Desai,  being members of Sanjeevani nature group, which is the part of the forest department’s initiative were trying to save a bird entangled in manjha (kite thread) and stuck on a tree. I read the news again and again to find what was their educational qualifications to find if it was an accident or lack of knowledge, that made the duo use  an iron pipe. As they has also tried to climb the tree before using the rod and, what you may call fate, took a different turn and made them use an iron rod, according to me is also a failure of forest department and the Nature group for not training or give proper guidance and support their volunteers.
This news might be forgotten in a few days and might be called and accident, as it always happen, however Akash and Sambhu proved that they were no less than our heroes fighting on the borders.
Protecting a life is a very noble cause according to all faiths and cultures and giving up one’s own life in order to save another is even nobler. At the age of just 18 years they proved their conviction and became martyrs while saving a bird, which according to them (and me), was no less than a Human’s life.
I would urge the state and central government to confer them with bravery award for one of the bravest deed one could dream of.

Rudra Kapalin

Friday, 13 January 2012

The Alien Observer

Man considers himself the peak of creation; less, perhaps, than gods, demons, angels and other beings that are more than natural; but certainly greater and more important than anything he can see or touch.
We can say, man expends energy and performs work in order to provide for the future.
But is this truly a distinction between man and other forms of life??
Doesn’t the beaver build dams, the squirrel store nuts, and the spider spins webs??
To us, it would seem there is simply no comparison. In none of these cases, or any others involving the lower animals, is anything like human forethought involved.
So, I repeat, it seems to us. Yet is it possible that this difference so clear to us is a result of mere prejudice and self love??
Would a creature from another world, studying life on earth, really see the difference between a spider building a web and a man casting a net into the sea as anything more than one of degree??

Then we developed tools, but even birds use rocks to break snail shells and even insects may use pebbles to block tunnels.
Our alien observer, watching men swarm over the quarries and deserts of Egypt and the slow, painful stone-by-stone construction of the Great Pyramid, might not see much of a distinction between this and the construction of a termite hill.
In fact the termite hill is larger compared to the insect than is the Great Pyramid compared to a man, and the alien might be more impressed by the termite. To be sure, the man manufactures his simple tools while the termite has his built into his body, but the alien might consider this sign of great ingenuity on the part of man to be interesting but not crucial.

Then man tamed animals to attain more energy and perform even the kind of work which was not possible with the limited energy his body possessed.
Our alien observer might see in our use of animals still another mere extension and elaboration of some of the activities of the lower animals.
To take an example, sea anemones are sometimes fixed by a crab to his shell. This is to the benefit of the sea anemones which, ordinarily quiescent, now finds itself transported from place to place, thus increasing its chances of finding food. This is also to the benefit of crab since the stinging tentacles of the sea anemones keep creatures at a distance which might otherwise prey upon the crab. Moreover, the crab dines upon scraps of food that escape the sea anemone during the latter’s meal.
Will our alien see difference between this and a case of a man who rides a horse and fed and protects the animal in return?

Then man started using other sources of energy like wind and running water.
Undoubtedly, it puzzled early man to find such large quantities of energy in inanimate nature. He resolved it by giving life to apparently inanimate nature and imagining the existence of demons or gods who made themselves manifest in the storm blast. The wind was their breath and waters raged at their command.
However, long before wind and water were even feebly tamed by man, another source of external energy came under his command. This is commonly referred to as the “Discovery of fire”.
Fire itself, of course, was never really discovered since it has always existed. But man came to know how to create fire and so domesticated fire. Fire gave him light, warmth, protection from other animals and increased his food supply as he found that cooked food was easier to chew.

It is beyond doubt that the discovery of fire is the greatest single human achievement. Here at last, our unwearied alien observer can finally find his clear distinction. No other species, however intelligent, makes even the most fumbling attempt to use fire, whereas no tribe of man is known today, however primitive, that doesn’t use fire.
And this is one reason that you can find no place of worship today where fire is not worshipped. In different forms like candles, incense sticks, a lamp etc., in any kind of worship, fire is the main element. The Greeks had their myth of Titan, Promethus, saving the human race from misery by bringing down the celestial gift of fire from sun. The sun as the prototype of fire was worshipped by many.
Most of us light candles, lamps, incense sticks etc. while worshipping, but we never think why we do it.
This is an attempt to make us question the reasons behind the beliefs that we have formed over ages. I wish the discussions will continue till the mind is freed.


To join me on Facebook click on the link below: 
These my own thoughts combined with the thoughts and writings of many great persons in this world which have helped me form my thoughts. My aim in posting this is to make an effort of starting a discussion that helps in the growth of my mind.

A nation's wealth doesn't lie in its Banks. It exists in its public schools...

Thursday, 12 January 2012

MahabharataMahabharata by C. Rajagopalachari

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An amazing compilation of world's longest epic. Rajaji was truly a genius. The way he relates age old knowledge to today's world and how it is still as useful as it has ever been.  

Thursday, 5 January 2012


We do not ask to be born; and we do not ask to die. But born we are and die we must. We come into existence and we pass out of existence. And in neither case does high-handed fate await our ratification of its decree